
San Diego Criminal Lawyers Blog


Defending Bank Robbery Charges

Movies about bank robberies are fan favorites, always packed with intrigue and action. From popular westerns like The Ballad of Buster Scruggs and The Long Riders to more modern films such as Ambulance and Now You See Me, bank robberies have been romanticized and somewhat glorified. But how often do…


Deceit Inherent in American Policing 

Many people do not realize it, but police routinely interrogate a suspect and lie about the possibility that leniency can be traded for cooperation or even about the evidence they have. Richard Leo, a renowned expert on interrogation techniques, calls deception the most defining and salient feature of interrogations in…


The Importance of Reasonable Doubt in a Criminal Case

If you are headed for a criminal trial, you are relying on your attorney to create reasonable doubt of your guilt in the minds of the jury. What does that mean, and how is it achieved?  The Meaning of Reasonable Doubt The prosecution has the burden of proof, meaning they…


Uses of Social Media in Criminal Cases

The implementation of social media by prosecutors and police to investigate and prosecute criminal activity has seen a marked increase in recent years. Because relatively few legal restrictions on the use of such media exist for them, it’s an easy access point. Social media—including posts in places like Instagram and…


Undocumented Migrants—and Those Who Harbor Them– Face Peril

The current administration has hit the ground running when it comes to highly publicized reports of deporting undocumented migrants, and they are pushing forward without looking back. What does it mean for individuals and/or families who share connections with these migrants, and for the migrants themselves?  Migrants: Know Your Rights…


Defending False Accusations of Domestic Violence

One in ten accusations of domestic violence are false: that is according to a 2023 survey, Most of these allegations target a male, although women, too, have been falsely accused. If you are on the receiving end of false accusations, you need an aggressive and dedicated criminal defense attorney looking…


Defending Charges of Cybercrimes

Globally, the cost of cybercrimes is in the trillions of dollars each year. Across the United States, billions of dollars are lost to cybercrimes annually, making the investigation and prosecution of these crimes a huge priority for law enforcement. An FBI report called out that nearly 850,000 cases of cybercrime…


Arson Defense 

More than 500,000 times annually, arson is committed somewhere in this country annually, resulting in costs of more than $2 billion in property damage. Structures involved in these fires may be homes, warehouses, churches, commercial buildings, public buildings, and more. In some cases, these fires take place in fields or…

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