By the third quarter of 2021, there were an estimated 284 million vehicles driving about throughout the United States with 228.2 million licensed drivers. The United States has some of the highest levels of road traffic when compared to other similar developed nations. In terms of states, California has the…
Articles Posted in Criminal Defense
When is Harassment a Criminal Matter and When is it a Civil Matter in California?
The difference between civil law and criminal law can be confusing at times. In some cases, there can exist both a civil and criminal component to an illegal act. This situation can be true when it comes to harassment. Depending on the details, harassment can be a civil and a…
Four Actions You Can Take After a Conviction
The best thing that you can do after you are arrested for a crime is to get yourself armed with the most talented and experienced criminal defense attorney near you. For residents of San Diego, the San Diego criminal defense attorney David M. Boertje has been committed to helping people…
Is California Rape Victims’ DNA Being Used to Investigate Other Crimes?
According to Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s District Attorney, the DNA taken from sexual assault survivors is being used to help investigations into other crimes that are not even related to the sexual assault victim. One example was a woman who was found and charged with a felony property crime who…
How Probation is Designed to Send You to Jail
When you have been arrested and charged with a crime, you may see your future as being bleak. Indeed, depending on the type of criminal offense you were arrested for and the surrounding details of your case, there may be significant and harsh penalties including expensive fines and many years…
Top Five Crimes Committed by Juveniles
No one is without fault or perfect all of the time. We all make mistakes no matter how old we are. That being said, younger people with a less mature mindset and a more relaxed understanding of consequences in life, tend to make impulsive decisions moreso than older adults. According…
Why Should an Innocent Person Get a Criminal Defense Lawyer?
It can be incredibly stressful and scary to be put under arrest for a crime. But, when you did not commit the crime that you have been arrested for, you may feel even more uneasy, frightened, and worried about how things will pan out. And while the eyes of the…
Can the Police Lie to You During an Interview?
Being aggressively questioned by the police can be stressful and intimidating, to say the least. Even if the alleged crimes that you are being asked about are those that you do not know anything about or have any involvement in perpetrating, police interrogations are quite draining and can be traumatic. …
How Can Law Enforcement’s Tunnel Vision Lead to a False Arrest?
When law enforcement is alerted that a crime has taken place, they must respond by coming out and investigating the situation. They will examine the crime scene, talk to witnesses and knowledgeable people, and collect evidence. In addition, forensic science techniques and other modern technology may be employed to figure…
Three Different Types of Questioning by the Police
Being questioned by the police is not a situation anyone would want to be in or one that anyone would envy seeing someone else enduring. Part of the job of a police officer is to gather evidence when they have probable cause and reasonable suspicion that a crime took place.…