
San Diego Criminal Lawyers Blog


The Difference Between Dropped and Dismissed Charges

If you are facing criminal charges, you may be hoping that charges will be dropped or dismissed, eliminating the tension and cost of a trial. While plenty of defendants are not so lucky, it is certainly a possibility in many cases.  Dropped and Dismissed Charges are Not the Same There…


Texas Case Brings Shaken Baby Syndrome Into Spotlight

Alarm bells ring when a baby dies.  In this nation, some estimate that anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 children experience shaken baby syndrome (SBS). One-fourth of those children eventually die, and the rest suffer from lifelong debilitating issues, including seizures, behavior and learning issues, hearing loss, blindness, cerebral palsy, and…


Stay Out of Legal Trouble Related to Voting

Even though you thought you were just being patriotic when you chatted up fellow voters, now you have been arrested and charged with voter intimidation.  What is voter intimidation, and what should you do about these charges?  Voter Intimidation  U.S. code defines voter intimidation as any combination of coercion, threats,…


When Domestic Violence Victims Have Had Enough

A woman confided in her brother about her husband’s threats and abuse. They mulled over various ways to eliminate her abuser, who had dragged her through dog feces, gripped her hand in order to break the glass she was holding, causing the shards to slice her hand, pulled her hair,…


Mistakes to Avoid When Dealing With the Criminal Justice System

After an arrest, many people find themselves feeling so alarmed that they just cannot think straight. But it is important to hold it together because mistakes in this situation can be costly. Try to think logically, and keep these tidbits in mind. Cooperate, while remaining silent until you have contacted…


Parental Criminal Liability in California

Michigan’s school shooter pleaded guilty to a mass shooting and was sentenced to a life behind bars for his actions, but that was not the end of the story for Michigan prosecutors. It was not long before his parents were charged and convicted of involuntary manslaughter—one count for each of…


Criminal Justice and Mental Health Issues 

Neighbors called the police when they heard yelling in the apartment. They were concerned that the man’s elderly mother might be in danger after he had allegedly punched another neighbor and stormed into his home. When deputies arrived at the apartment complex, they found the man’s mother with wounds to…

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