The Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment protects people who are not competent from being unfairly prosecuted during a criminal trial. In some situations, it is beneficial for a defendant to be declared incompetent to stand trial because they lack the ability to understand their charges or they are…
Articles Posted in California criminal defense attorney
Can You Beat Your California Credit Card Fraud Charges?
Maybe you used another person’s credit card because you believed that you had permission to do so. The problem is that when a credit card or debit card is used without permission, the purchases are considered a form of theft by the California court system. This is unlawful activity, and…
Can a Police Officer Legally Pat You Down After Detainment in California?
Detainment by the police is not an ideal situation; it can come with excessive distress and angst. The important thing for anyone who is pulled over by a California law enforcement officer is to know that cooperation is key to preserving your legal rights, civil liberties, and freedoms. Regardless of…
Porch Pirates in California May Face Harsher Penalties for Crimes
COVID-19 has changed all of our lives and the way we conduct daily activities. Limitations on store capacity, curfews, and fears of contracting the virus have led more people to do their shopping online. You can go down any street these days and see multiple homes with packages on their…
The Risk of Losing Parental Rights After Incarceration in California
When a person is incarcerated for a crime in California and they are a parent, there are several different things that can happen. The child may be placed with the other parent, or the child may be placed with another family member. When a relative is not an option, the…
Non-Violent Sex Offenders in California Considered for Early Parole
In an effort to minimize the prison population in California and better manage the associated costs, more inmates may be eligible for early parole. Included in this population are nonviolent sex offenders, according to a ruling by the California Supreme Court. The ballot measure, which was approved four years ago,…
Why it is Important to Know if You Have an Outstanding California Warrant
If you suspect that you have an outstanding warrant in your name it is best to be proactive and look into it. You may find you have either an outstanding California bench warrant or an outstanding arrest warrant. Either way, should you find that you do have an outstanding warrant…
San Diego Pays Out $1.5 Million for Use of Excessive Force
A week-long trial in San Diego ended in a jury deciding in favor of a victim of police brutality, with a $1.5 million settlement paid out by the city. Attorneys for the plaintiff argued that the incident in which the victim was thrown onto the ground and pepper-sprayed by police…
Edson Acuna Sentenced to Life Without Parole After Shooting to Death Curtis Adams
A man was sentenced to life in prison without parole after he shot and killed another man. The victim, age 21, was a Navy sailor who took the time to offer help to a motorist he thought was stuck on the freeway on October 27, 2018. The defendant was convicted…
What Does a California Certificate of Rehabilitation Do?
If you have been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor in the state of California and you wanted to have your charges expunged but found out you were ineligible for that to happen, you may be wondering if a Certificate of Rehabilitation will be a suitable alternative. While not…