Sex crime charges in California are some of the most difficult ones for people to overcome for many reasons. The public disgrace and shame that goes along with a sex crime arrest are considerable. When an accusation of some type of sexual assault is made, it is common for people to naturally side with the victim. Because of the nature of sex crimes, people will tend to feel bad for a victim and want immediate justice by having the alleged perpetrator punished to the harshest extent. Even when a sexual assault accusation is false, the person who was victimized by such dishonesty may never be able to fully escape the stigma that goes along with the charges. They may always be treated differently.
It is incredibly important that if you were arrested for a sex crime in San Diego, that you obtain the counsel of an experienced San Diego sex crime defense attorney immediately. Getting started on your case as soon as possible can minimize the impact that the allegations will have on your life. Quickly working on your case will also be crucial to building the strongest defense strategy to improve your chances of getting a not guilty verdict.
The Different Types of Sexual Assault Crimes in San Diego
Sexual assault comes in many different forms and the state of California does not take these offenses lightly. Convictions can result in many years in state prison, high fines, as well as having to register as a sex offender, which is a permanent black mark on your name and your life.
The following are some examples of sexual assault:
- Rape is a violent offense that can take place between people familiar with each other or not, and sexual intercourse is forced on an unwilling party or parties. There are many forms of rape including:
- Date rape happens between people who have some type of relationship with each other.
- Spousal rape happens between people who are married.
- Statutory rape happens when a person who is 18 years of age and older engages in sexual intercourse with a person between the age of 14 to 17. Knowing or not knowing a person is considered a minor does not shield a person from prosecution.
- Prostitution is when a person either pays for sexual acts or accepts money to perform sexual acts.
- Sexual Battery is an unwanted touch that is sexual in nature from one party to another.
- Indecent Exposure is when a person displays their genitalia in public.
- Lewd Acts happen when a person engages in sexual behaviors in public where they can be seen.
- Pornography is sexual content that can exist in pictures, videos, artwork, or in writing.
- Child Molestation happens when sexual and lustful actions are directed at minors.