In the beginning of this month, a group of 15 young people from Lincoln Park, San Diego, who were alleged to be part of the notorious Lincoln Park gang, were charged with criminal conspiracy related to two dozen local shootings within San Diego County. The San Diego County District Attorney’s Office (“DA”) charged the group for nine different gang-related shootings under CA Penal Code 182.5. One of the defendants, Aaron Harvey, 26, was arrested for murder, but maintains that he is innocent. Specifically, he was not involved in the shootings, but in this case the DA’s office claims that Harvey promoted the crimes by posting gang-related affiliations and threats on social media pages, and benefited from the ‘crime’ by gaining “street credibility.” Another defendant, local rapper “Tiny Doo,” whose lyrics reflect gang activity, is headed to trial.
As of now, five of the 15 defendants had their charges dropped at a hearing. There is still some confusion as to why the charges were dismissed for some defendants but not others and whether the judge can still dismiss charges for the remaining defendants. Harvey, who has no prior criminal conviction, now faces life in prison. He still maintains he is not part of a gang.