No one should have to be the victim of domestic violence, but this type of abuse is prevalent around the country and the globe. In the United States alone, approximately 20 people every minute are victimized at the hands of a person with whom they have an intimate relationship. Yet, even though domestic violence is a very serious and real problem in the United States, there are also countless instances of people being falsely accused of the crime.
When a person is accused of domestic violence in California, they face severe criminal penalties and public shame. Jail time, fines, and developing a criminal record can result from a conviction. Even when there is no conviction, the accusations alone can follow a person and may lead to many negative life outcomes such as losing a job or a shattered reputation.
Top Reasons Why False Domestic Violence Accusations are Made
It is disturbing and unfair when a person lies about domestic violence. It is particularly concerning for a person who is on the receiving end of these false allegations. The top reasons why people lie about domestic abuse include:
- When a couple is parting ways by means of divorce or separation and especially when children are involved, claiming that the home environment was unsafe because of domestic abuse is a way to strengthen one party’s case for child custody.
- When intimate relationships fail, the amount of emotion involved can be high. Especially if the dissolution of a relationship was not mutual, jealousy and rage can motivate a person to say things that aren’t true about their ex. This need for revenge can easily provoke a person to tell lies to hurt someone.
- When tensions are high and a disagreement becomes intense, one party involved may misunderstand the situation and feel like domestic abuse happened when it did not.
- If someone has something that another person wants, greed may be what prompts a person to say that domestic violence and other abuse took place.
If you were accused of domestic violence in California, you have to get the most experienced and skilled California criminal defense attorney to examine your case and develop a winning strategy to beat your charges. When the assertions made about you are untrue or if you do not believe that your actions constitute domestic violence, then David M. Boertje is a San Diego domestic violence defense attorney who can aggressively handle your case and fight so that you see the best outcome possible. Continue reading